6 December 2022

Diverse Beds: Types of Mattress Around the World

The globetrotter's bedtime adventure

Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled in the rolling hills, lived a curious adventurer named Amelia. Amelia had a deep fascination with the world and its diverse cultures. She believed that even the way people slept revealed fascinating insights about their lives. Determined to unravel the secrets of bedtime rituals, Amelia set off on an extraordinary adventure to discover the different types of beds around the world.

Amelia's first stop was the snowy landscapes of Scandinavia. Here, she encountered the cozy and iconic Swedish bed, known as the "säng." Made from a wooden frame and adorned with intricately woven blankets and fluffy sheepskins, the säng provided warmth and comfort during the long winter nights. As she settled into the soft embrace of the säng, Amelia marveled at how sleep was cherished as a sacred ritual in this part of the world.

Continuing her journey, Amelia found herself in Japan, where she discovered the elegance of the traditional Japanese futon. The futon, a thin mattress placed directly on the floor, symbolized simplicity and minimalism. Amelia marveled at the tranquility of the tatami mat beneath the futon, offering a serene and peaceful environment for sleep. She realized that in Japan, sleep was seen as a time for reflection and rejuvenation.

Amelia's adventure took her to the vast plains of Africa next, where she encountered the Maasai people. Here, sleep was a communal experience, and Amelia was invited to experience the Maasai moran's bed. It was a simple arrangement of cowhide stretched across wooden poles, symbolizing the strong connection between the community and their livestock. As she lay beneath the starlit African sky, Amelia felt a sense of unity and belonging that transcended the physical comfort of a mattress.

In the heart of India, Amelia discovered the vibrant and ornate world of the "charpai." The charpai, a traditional woven bed made of ropes and a wooden frame, was prevalent in rural areas. Amelia marveled at the intricate patterns and the craftsmanship that went into creating these beds. She realized that sleep in India was not just about rest but also about embracing artistry and cultural heritage.

As her adventure drew to a close, Amelia reflected on her incredible journey. She had witnessed how sleep is different around the world, and how the mattress is prevalent in various forms, representing cultural values, traditions, and beliefs. From the snug säng in Scandinavia to the communal beds of the Maasai people, each bed told a unique story of the human experience.

Amelia returned home with a newfound appreciation for the rich tapestry of sleep customs across the globe. She realized that despite the differences, sleep served as a universal bridge, connecting people across cultures. It reminded her that the world was a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be discovered, even in the quiet moments of slumber.